Castor & Pollux
Slawny, Graduate Student,
Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Michigan
Mouse embryonic stem cells were engineered to overexpress a
protein called
geminin. This protein has two important functions during
embryonic development:
to control cell division and to promote differentiation of
neural cells. The
geminin-producing cells form many immature neural precursors
(purple) and
neurons (green). The cell nuclei have been stained blue.
Experiments with
embryonic stems cells are important not only to produce specific
cell types for
cell replacement therapies, but also as a model system to
understand embryonic
Annabel Ebersole
Fireworks in a mouse stem cell! Who could imagine this?
What fun I had in painting and stamping the surface, adding
layers of fuchsia, cobalt and red violet. Next more layers,
hand stitching, machine quilting and the final wispy lime and
fuchsia “zingers!” Now the structures dance!
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