Edge of the World
Gumucio, Ph.D., Director, Center for Organogenesis,
Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Michigan
This image shows the posterior part of the stomach, a region
called the antrum.
The antrum is important because the cells that reside here
control the release of
acid from the more anterior stomach. They also direct the
release of enzymes
from the pancreas that are needed for absorption as food moves
into the intestine.
This control point is also one of two regions of the stomach
that are highly
susceptible to cancer. Stem cells that reside deep within the
flask-like green
structures are responsible for the regular renewal of this
surface. Those same
stem cells are also believed to be the most likely source of
stomach cancers.
Annabel Ebersole
This stunning photograph grabbed my attention right away.
Our stomach is integral to good health! Here was an ethereal
picture that I could interpret in fabric and thread. Creating
the textures with a new product “Texture Magic” made the
bumpy looking parts of the bottom section come out just right.
For the top half, I cut out many oblongs of different textures
and stitched them together before they were applied to the
backing. Using silk, wool, cotton, velvet and organza made
these cellular structures look like the photo. Finally,
painting and beads gave me the iridescence I hoped for.
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